Mega Invaders new release


Mega Invadersimg_1527

The long awaited sequel to our most popular mobile game Sky Invaders has been released for Windows Phone. After almost four years we have taken all the feedback from our many players on how to make the player controls better, including adding additional game levels and various new aliens and put it all together in Mega Invaders.

We plan to release Mega Invaders for Android, Amazon Fire and iOS devices over the coming months so keep watching for updates.

New game ratings

Game Ratings

In June this year all currently released Alphaworks games for mobile devices were awarded an IARC rating certificate making them suitable for all ages.

Progress report Mega Invaders


Over the past few nights I’ve made some great progress on Mega Invaders (Windows Phone version) having managed to fully debugged the levels 1 – 3 and shorted out the online High Score posting.

I’ve improved game play by making some minor tweaks on the level 3 alien movement and I also died an annoying bug in level 4 end of level bonus score routine which means it will be ready for release soon.


Brick Buster new release

BrickBusterDeluxeWindowsPhoneBn game

Launched on the 12th July 2015 Brick Buster is now available for Android (via Google Play), Amazon Fire (via the Amazon App Store), Windows Phone (via Microsoft Store) and iOS devices via the Apple AppStore.

Brick Buster is based on the all time classic arcade game called Breakout but with some enhancements to the paddle movement which allows you to tilt you paddle to force the ball to go faster and at a different angle.

From the volt – Lunar Lander


Here’s one from our vault all dusted off and ready to play again. This version of Lunar Lander for Windows was written way back in 2009 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Moon Landing.

We pulled it out of the volt, recompiled it to work with all versions of Windows including the latest Windows 10 and added it to our site again for free download. Click here

Sometime in 2016 we hope to have aversion up and running on Macintosh, again it will be free to download, play and enjoy.

Planetoids released

Tonight we submitted Planetoids for Android to both the Google Play Store and the Amazon App Store So all going well both will approved it in the next few days and make it available.

30th April – Just a quick update. Both Google Play and Amazon App Stores approved Planetoids and it is now available for free download on Android.

Progress report – Planetoids


Had a really productive evening and managed to eliminate a handful of annoying little bugs found during play testing with the exception of one which given a free night will be solved and we’ll be well on our way to releasing Planetoids version 2.0 for Android via Goggle Play Store and Amazon Fire AppStore.

Amazon App Store


Today we’ve submitted our mega popular Sky Invaders to Amazon for approval in their  app store and with a bit of luck it will be available for all Amazon Fire users to enjoy very soon.

28th February – Just a quick update that Sky Invaders is now fully available on the Amazon App Store and ready for Fire OS users to download for free to play. Enjoy.


Planetoids for Android

We’re hard at work finishing off Planetoids V2.0 for Android tablets and phones. We’ve improved graphics, sound and gameplay for the next major update to Planetoids, and we think you’ll love it.



Sky Invaders 2.0 released

We are pleased to announce that this afternoon our new and exciting upgraded version of Sky Invaders is now available for free download from the Windows Phone store.

This major update and includes some minor improvements to the joystick controls along with two great new features. These being three awesome bonus challenge stages with new Alien Invaders patterns and an online high score table so you can see how good you are.

Android and Apple iOS versions coming very soon.